Wednesday, 14 November 2012

TheBlindJournalist: Saudi Arabia's Reaction to Obama being re-elected

Saudi Arabia’s response to Obama being re-elected as US President 
Barack Hussain Obama’s victory of the 2012 US election was front-page news around the world however the Arab coverage in the media was ambivalent. Some of the Arabs media coverage being hopeful whereas others being sceptical for the future with Obama in power. Saudi Arabia’s main concern was foreign policy because Saudi Arabia is one of the most devout and insular countries in the Midddle East with a lot of smaller neighbouring countries relying on Saudia Arabia. The economy was also another key concern for the Arabs because Saudi Arabia sits on 25% of the worlds oil, with the United States importing vast amounts of this oil from Saudi Arabia. Arabs see their oil as a gift from God and therefore are conscious that they keep selling it as an insurance policy for future Arabs. It does not affect Saudi Arabia if the US stop importing oil from them or if the US start to import fewer amounts because Saudi Arabia has other countries such as China who are prepared to pay premium costs for the oil. Even though America aims to be independent it isn't in a position where it can stop importing oil. 
The majority of Arabs feel that although Obama has not done enough to help prevent the Syria crisis, they feel he is more suitable than Mitt Romney because they knew if Romney came into power he would be a 'pro' Israel leader and also that Mitt Romney alienates people depending on their religion. So for this reason they are happy Obama has been re-elected but unsure about what he can do in his next term of power.  

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